Let’s Build our own web framework in Elixir
Use Plug as a base
Include time-based API versioning
- One cool trick I saw was to pattern match on the Plug
field like so
def create(%Plug.Conn{req_headers: "11-21-22"} = conn, _params) do # Handle new version end def create(conn, _params) do # Handle old version end
- One cool trick I saw was to pattern match on the Plug
Include request idempotency
Include idiomatic input validation
Include idiomatic .env file loading
Include rejecting all requests are aren’t of the right media type with
error -
Add support for async requests with
status -
Add support for blank responses with
status -
Include idiomatic job accepting
- Immediately give a 202 response
- Provide a URL where the job status can be checked
- This is a stateless way to do it, but this could also be supported in a stateful way via events?
Support RESTful JSON views
- Resource graph based views!
Support autogenerated API documentation
Support the future of API’s
- Model-View-Update like Elm. Expose a strongly typed data structure that can be richly queried/subscribed to. And then instead of mutations support Elm style commands as RPC commands or something
Support real-time
- Able to define resource graph events!
Don’t know where else to put this but wanted to write it down:
- Would it make sense to have the web layer be a protocol? Like if the idea is to expose a read-only data structure, it would be cool if a bulk of the API-side logic was standardized, and you would just have to implement some functions for your specific data structure. This may help with stuff like auto-generated documentation?